When outboard engines are left tilted in the down position, they must be drained of all water to prevent condensation. To avoid this problem and ensure your engine stays dry while not being covered or enclosed under something heavy like a tarp will also help with ventilation.
- You’ll want to protect the engine’s internals from corrosion as it sits by giving its interior some assistance.
- Outboards used to be fueled by fogging oil, but this is no longer the case. Modern outboard engines are now typically “fogged” through a much easier process than before, which makes them perfect for those who want their boat running without hassle!
- Some engines offer a protection layer for the engine that can be mixed into gas. The product is electronically controlled with an outboard control system, and just by navigating to winterize mode in your navigation map, you will have accomplished this task!
- Each manufacturer has its way of doing things, so consult your owner’s manual for specific instructions.
Experts have said a thousand times that “the best way to winterize an outboard is simply by using it.” This couldn’t be further from true if you live in a place where engines are usually operated frequently enough for their normal operating temperature range, and long periods of inaction won’t cause any problems with your powerplant!
One final tip for the season- change your lower unit and powerhead oil and visually inspect it to ensure there hasn’t been any water intrusion. Put that boat in storage with fresh fluids!